Key production activities require a high degree of standby functionality. This can be applied to pumps and other devices. In order to take advantage of standby functionality, these devices must be able to automatically react to conditions such as equipment failures.
In addition to back-up production facilities, the installation must also consider equal workload distribution and provide "understand maintenance" options such as run-time recording and automatic switching.
One of the series of control modules that combines European process automation with efficient control technology and provides this functionality is the run/standby control module.
The run/standby function allows paired devices (especially switches or variable speed drives) to work with redundant components. Each device can meet production requirements, so usually only one device is running at a time. If a working device fails, other devices will automatically run.
One device is called a "running" device, while the other device is a "standby" device. Which device is selected as the operating device is called "service". Under normal operating conditions, the running equipment is running and the standby equipment is down.
Some functions of the run/standby control module include
Selecting the operating/standby device by the operator in manual mode
Switching according to device failure or process conditions in automatic mode
Undisturbed conversion
Device status and run time indication
Under normal operating conditions, the operator can request a switch to start the standby device. When the control module successfully starts the standby device, the service status changes. After the operating equipment fails, the operator can also request the standby equipment to run without changing the equipment status.
The control module can respond to single-stage faults or under certain process conditions by unidirectionally sorting the control devices, such as automatically starting the standby device after a failure of the operating device, but not starting the device after a failure of the standby device.
Operators can perform mode selection (manual or automatic) through bumpless conversion, preventing sudden changes in output, damaging field devices and disrupting the production process.
The control module provides continuous device status monitoring and alarm functions, with a rich man-machine interface. It also has other features such as running time for each device for easy maintenance.
The use of a run/standby device has the following advantages:
Redundant maintenance facilitates quick troubleshooting Reduces and eliminates downtime