Single-phase induction motors have always been the most commonly used motors for large appliances. The rotor is usually an aluminum squirrel cage, while the stator consists of two coils and a phase-shifting capacitor. Normally, when the motor reaches a certain speed, the starting coil and the phase-shifting capacitor are cut off by the centrifugal switch. The control is often to use triacs or ACS devices to achieve simple on / off control.
Bidirectional driver
According to the cost and performance requirements of the final application of the motor, the speed can be adjusted in different ways. When using a permanent split-phase capacitor motor, two AC switches can be used to connect the split-phase capacitor in series with the two stator windings to reverse the motor.
Multi-winding switch driver
According to the cost and performance requirements of the final application of the motor, the speed can be adjusted in different ways. The stator coil is divided into 3 or 4 pairs of windings. These windings are connected to the power supply through AC switches in different combinations to change the effective number of stator poles and the basic speed, and the motor speed can be adjusted in steps.
Phase control driver
According to the cost and performance requirements of the final application of the motor, the speed can be adjusted in different ways. ST uses an innovative topology to introduce a silent and cost-effective variable-speed drive circuit to control the motor speed. A simple phase-controlled switch can change the speed according to the change of the motor torque.
Guangzhou Ehang Electronic Co., Ltd. ,