Fmax---the highest oscillation frequency. Operating frequency when the triode power gain is equal to one
hFE---common emitter quiescent current amplification factor
Hfe---common emitter small signal short-circuit voltage amplification factor
Hoe---common emitter small signal open output admittance
IB---the average value of the base DC current or AC current
Ic---the average value of the collector DC current or AC current
IE---the average value of the emitter DC current or AC current
Icbo---base grounding, emitter-to-ground open circuit, reverse-off current between collector and base under specified VCB reverse voltage conditions
Iceo---emitter grounded, base open to ground, reversed off current between collector and emitter under specified reverse voltage VCE
Iebo---base grounding, collector open to ground, reverse off current between emitter and base under specified reverse voltage VEB
Icer---the series resistance R between the base and the emitter, and the reverse off current between the collector and the emitter when the voltage VCE between the collector and the emitter is a prescribed value
Ices---the emitter is grounded, the base is shorted to ground, and the reverse off current between the collector and the emitter is under the specified reverse voltage VCE.
Icex---emitter grounded, with a specified bias between the base and emitter, reversed off current between collector and emitter at a specified reverse bias VCE
ICM---The maximum average value of the maximum allowable current or AC current of the collector.
IBM--the maximum value of the DC current that can continuously pass through the base, or the maximum average of the AC current, within the range of the collector's allowable power dissipation.
ICMP---collector maximum allowable pulse current
ISB---second breakdown current
IAGC---forward automatic control current
Pc---collector dissipation power
PCM---collector maximum allowable power dissipation
Pi---input power
Po---output power
Posc---oscillation power
Pn---noise power
Ptot---total dissipated power
ESB---second breakdown energy
Rbb''---base area extension resistance (base area intrinsic resistance)
Rbb''Cc---base-collector time constant, which is the product of the base extension resistance and the collector junction capacitance
Rie---Input resistance when the emitter is grounded and the AC output is short-circuited
Roe---emitter grounding, output resistance when the AC input is short-circuited under the specified VCE, Ic or IE, frequency conditions
RE---External emitter resistance (external circuit parameters)
RB---external base resistance (external circuit parameters)
Rc --- external collector resistance (outer circuit parameters)
RBE---External base-emitter resistance (external circuit parameters)
RL---load resistor (outer circuit parameters)
RG--- signal source internal resistance
Rth---thermal resistance
Ta---ambient temperature
Tc---shell temperature
Ts---junction temperature
Tjm---Maximum allowable junction temperature
Tstg---storage temperature
Td----delay time
Tr---rise time
Ts---storage time
Tf---fall time
Ton---opening time
Toff---off time
VCB---collector-base (DC) voltage
VCE---collector-emitter (DC) voltage
VBE---base emitter (DC) voltage
VCBO---base grounding, emitter-to-ground open circuit, maximum withstand voltage between collector and base under specified conditions
VEBO---base grounding, collector open to ground, maximum withstand voltage between emitter and base under specified conditions
VCEO---emitter grounded, base open to ground, maximum withstand voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCER---emitter grounding, series-to-emitter series resistance R, maximum voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCES---emitter grounding, base-to-ground short-circuit, maximum withstand voltage between collector and emitter under specified conditions
VCEX---the emitter is grounded, the specified bias voltage is applied between the base and the emitter, and the highest withstand voltage between the collector and the emitter under the specified conditions
Vp---punch voltage.
VSB---second breakdown voltage
VBB---base (DC) supply voltage (external circuit parameters)
Vcc---collector (DC) supply voltage (external circuit parameters)
VEE---emitter (DC) power supply voltage (external circuit parameters)
VCE(sat)---emitter grounding, specifying the collector-emitter saturation voltage drop under Ic, IB conditions
VBE(sat)---emitter grounding, specifying the base-emitter saturation voltage drop (forward voltage drop) under Ic and IB conditions
VAGC---forward automatic gain control voltage
Vn(pp)---the equivalent noise voltage peak at the input
V n---noise voltage
Cj---junction (interelectrode) capacitance, indicating the total capacitance of the é”—detection diode under the specified bias voltage across the diode
Cjv---bias junction capacitance
Co---zero bias capacitor
Cjo---zero bias junction capacitance
Cjo/Cjn---junction capacitance change
Cs---shell capacitor or package capacitor
Ct---total capacitance
CTV---voltage temperature coefficient. Ratio of relative change in steady voltage to absolute change in ambient temperature at test current
CTC---capacitor temperature coefficient
Cvn---nominal capacitance
IF --- Forward DC current (forward test current).é”—Detector diode passes the current between the poles under the specified forward voltage VF; the maximum operating current (average value) that the silicon rectifier and the silicon stack are allowed to pass continuously in the sine half wave under the specified use conditions, the silicon switch The maximum forward DC current that the diode is allowed to pass at rated power; the current given when the forward voltage parameter of the Zener diode is measured
IF(AV)---forward average current
IFM(IM)---forward peak current (forward maximum current). The maximum forward pulse current allowed through the diode at rated power. LED limit current.
IH---constant current, holding current.
Ii--- LED illuminating current
IFRM---forward repeat peak current
IFSM---positive peak current (surge current)
Io---rectifying current. Operating current through specified frequency and specified voltage conditions in a particular line
IF(ov)---forward overload current
IL---Photocurrent or steady current diode limiting current
ID---dark current
Base modulation current in IB2---single junction transistor
IEM---emitter peak current
IEB10---Reverse current between the emitter and the first base in a double-base single-junction transistor
IEB20---Emitter current in double base single junction transistor
ICM---Maximum output average current
IFMP---positive pulse current
IP---peak current
IV---valley current
IGT---thyristor gate trigger current
IGD---thyristor control pole does not trigger current
IGFM---control positive peak current
IR(AV)---reverse average current
IR (In) - reverse DC current (reverse leakage current). When measuring the reverse characteristic, the given reverse current; the silicon stack is in the sinusoidal half-wave resistive load circuit, the current passed when the reverse voltage is specified; the reverse polarity of the silicon switching diode plus the reverse operating voltage VR The current passed through; the leakage current generated by the Zener diode under reverse voltage; the leakage current of the rectifier at the highest reverse operating voltage of the sine half-wave.
IRM---reverse peak current
IRR---Thyristor Reverse Repeated Average Current
IDR---thyristor off-state average repeat current
Photovoltaic Inverter,Solar Pv Inverter,Pv Grid Inverter,Pv Grid Connected Inverter
TRANCHART Electrical and Machinery Co.,LTD ,