Tencent Digital (Compiled: Mi Ke) Google Pixel and Pixel XL finally released, and they are also one of the most impressive smartphones in the second half of this year.
In addition to Google's two new machines, Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus released last month are also the most popular smartphones on the market. Therefore, as the latest flagship of iOS and Android camps, we might as well Put the product together and compare it.
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For Apple's new flagship, one of the biggest controversies is still continuing the iPhone 6s design style, most of the elements of the fuselage are not much of a concept, such as the same metal body and antenna design on the back, just The position has changed slightly and moved to the top and bottom, respectively.
In addition, the iPhone 7's camera size has also become larger and more prominent. At the same time, the Home button on the front is also changed to the vibration feedback mechanism, and it cannot be pressed like the iPhone 6s.
Of course, Apple also replaced the 3.5mm headphone jack with the Lightning interface, and the original single-speaker was changed to dual speakers.
In Pixel, we found that this Google flagship design style is somewhat similar to the iPhone, including the processing of the edge and bottom antenna sections. Only half of the glass body and half of the metal body are on the back, and the fingerprint sensor is also designed on the back.
Both the iPhone 7 and Pixel offer two different sizes, the iPhone 7 is 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches, while the Pixel is 5 inches and 5.5 inches.
From the color point of view, the iPhone 7 offers silver, gold, rose gold, matte black, and bright black species colors, while Pixel only black, silver and blue.
As we mentioned above, the iPhone 7 has two versions of 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches, while the Pixel offers two sizes of 5 inches and 5.5 inches.
So who is better at the resolution? First of all, the iPhone 7 uses a 1334 × 750 pixel retina display, and Pixel's resolution is 1080 × 1920 HD. Although the 326ppi effect of the iPhone 7 is already very good, Pixel's 424ppi pixel density is even more impressive. Because Google is ready for its Daydream VR platform, it must achieve a certain level of resolution.
Of course, in the large-scale version, Google also beat Apple again. The Pixel XL has a resolution of 1440×2560 pixels and a pixel density of 534ppi, while the iPhone 7 Plus has a 5.5-inch screen resolution of 1080×1920 pixels, just like a 5-inch pixel. So even though the iPhone 7 Plus works well, it still fails in the face of Pixel XL.
In our review, the iPhone 7 has become the best display ever on the screen in color gamut, but since there is no more detailed evaluation of the Pixel, the specific display effect cannot be compared yet.
There is no doubt that the performance of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus is very powerful, and it can be said that it is one of the best smartphones on the market at the moment. At the same time, it also confirms this statement from the running results. The iPhone 7 is 30% faster than the iPhone 6s and 12% faster than the Galaxy S7.
With the cooperation of 2GB of running memory and A10 Fusion processor, Apple uses two cores to handle high-strength tasks and uses the other two cores to handle daily tasks. Therefore, iPhone 7 not only has top-level configuration, but also can provide quite smooth users. Experience. Interestingly, the iPhone 7 Plus will have 1GB of memory in addition to the same A10 Fusion processor, so the performance has been further improved.
Although we have not conducted detailed evaluations of the two new Pixel cameras yet, they are also very good in terms of configuration. The aircraft is equipped with a Snapdragon 821 processor, performance is better than Snapdragon 820 10% increase, while also equipped with 4GB of running memory and the latest Android 7.1 Nougat operating system, so it is also very much looking forward to.
This Xiaolong 821 processor plays an important role in the Daydream-Ready standard smart phone. Daydream is also Google's new virtual reality platform and has become part of the Android Nougat system. Of course, smart phones that want to run Daydream must meet certain standards in configuration, and Pixel is undoubtedly the top model on the market that meets this standard. So we can't wait to hope to try out Google’s virtual reality platform and see how the new flagship works on Daydream platform.
However, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus currently do not have any additional virtual reality functions in addition to Cardboard-compatible devices. At present, Apple has not seen much action in the field of virtual reality. I believe this situation will be met next year. Changed. In any case, in order to achieve Daydream's standards, Google will absolutely do its best in the performance of Pixel.
Finally, in terms of storage capacity, Apple finally canceled the "superior" 16GB option. The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus both started from 32GB and 256GB. Pixel also offers 32GB and 128GB capacities.
Software system
The latest Android 7.1 Nougat system running on Pixel this year has many features and improvements compared to the previous generation of Marshmallow. The most important one is the multi-picture mode, notification tracking, and enhanced Material design style. Of course, the battery The consumption has also improved.
In addition, Google added a new Pixel launcher to Pixel, and according to the experience of the previous beta system, this launcher has changed the usage of the Android system to some extent. The overall feeling has to wait until a more detailed evaluation can come to a conclusion.
On the other hand, Apple's iPhone 7 is naturally equipped with the latest iOS 10 operating system, which is Apple's best version so far. Including 3D Touch enhancements, adjustments in the control center, and optimization of the lock screen interface all make iOS 10 the most worthwhile system to upgrade. Of course, for iOS and Android systems, it doesn't make much sense to know who is better. It all depends on personal preferences.
Of course, I must mention is that in the virtual reality planning, Google is still ahead of Apple, and so is the operating system.
This time, Apple also added a dual camera design to the 5.5-inch iPhone 7 Plus. Generally, the large-screen version of the Plus model is better than the small-sized version on the camera, but this year's difference is even more pronounced.
The dual cameras of the iPhone 7 Plus also have an optical stabilization system and a 1/2.7-inch sensor, making it one of the best smartphones in photo performance.
The smaller iPhone 7 camera improvements are equally impressive, including a 6x zoom lens, OIS image stabilization, and a larger f/1.8 aperture. And this improvement means that users can take better picture quality and more significant depth of field contrast, and have a better bokeh effect. Of course, iPhone 7 also supports 4K, 1080p and other resolution video capture, while the frame rate is also higher.
At the moment, we haven't had a chance to test Pixel's camera, but it's pretty good from a specification point of view. Includes 12.3 million pixel camera and f/2.0 aperture. There are also some interesting software features. Google said that the built-in HDR+ mode can capture the best photos that smart phones can take.
If you are a self-timer, you must be more concerned about the front camera. iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus are equipped with a 7 million-pixel f/2.2 aperture camera, so the self-timer effect is more improved than the iPhone 6s. The Pixel and Pixel XL front camera on the paper parameters 8 million pixels has exceeded the Apple, but the actual experience has to wait for detailed evaluation later.
Battery life
The iPhone 7 has a built-in 1960mAh non-removable battery, which is also the largest battery capacity in the current 4.7-inch iPhone. However, based on our experience with the use of the iPhone in the past few years, it is basically a full-day level.
Although the battery capacity has improved compared to the iPhone 6s, it is still about 6 hours under our high-intensity test, and there is not much change as a whole. Although the iPhone 7 Plus is also a larger capacity 1990mAh, due to the increase in screen and resolution, the performance should not be significantly different from the iPhone 6s Plus.
As for Google, Pixel and Pixel XL are equipped with 2770mAh and 3450mAh batteries, respectively, which looks a lot bigger than the iPhone 7.
The 32GB iPhone 7 is priced at 599 pounds (about 5,084 yuan), while the 128GB version is 699 pounds, and the largest 256GB is 799 pounds (about 5,933 yuan).
Pixel has already begun to accept bookings. The 32GB and 128GB prices are 599 pounds (about 5,084 yuan) and 699 pounds (about 5,933 yuan), which is basically consistent with the iPhone 7. The larger Pixel XL is priced at 719 pounds (about 6100 yuan) and 819 pounds (about 6952 yuan), and is expected to start shipping on October 20.
to sum up
There is currently no real evaluation of Pixel, so it is impossible to determine who is better at Google and Apple. At present, the iPhone 7 is a relatively perfect product, but it is only slightly more in terms of endurance. Whether Google can surpass its old rivals with Pixel in the future, the current configuration has quite potential.
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