5V regulated solar battery power circuit diagram

TP-IP4220CZ6 5V 0.35PF breakdown voltage 6V SOT

Battery power circuit diagram

Powered by solar panels, the circuit will give you a pure 5V regulated DC voltage. The circuit is composed of an oscillator transistor and a regulator transistor. The sunlight is bright enough to produce a solar panel rechargeable battery when the voltage is above 1.9V. Between the diode panel and the battery is necessary because it leaks about 1mA of battery when it really doesn't shine. The purpose of this regulator transistor is to limit the output voltage to 5V. This voltage may be maintained by the ability of the circuit, which is about 10mA.

The oscillator transistor should be a high current sequencing that is turned on for a very limited time and the transformer core is saturated. This energy is released as a high voltage pulse. These pulses are then electrolyzed and shown as a 5V power supply with a capacity of around 10 mA. If the electromotive current rises to 15 mA, the voltage drops to approximately 4V.

Connect the transformer to make sure it gives positive feedback. Conducted by a 1K resistor transistor, this creates an internal core that expands the flux. The flux cuts the number of turns of the secondary winding and produces a voltage, the ADDS turn-on voltage and a larger number of transistors are turned on. The resulting transistor is fully turned on and becomes maximum through the mains current. The core tends to be saturated, although it is indeed the largest luminous flux, it does not expand the magnetic flux, so it does not produce secondary voltage (voltage and electric current only supplied by the battery).

The voltage and current to the base current of the transistor are reduced, which reduces the current through the mains. The flux begins to collapse, which produces an internal secondary polarity of opposite polarity. This will turn the transistor off and soon collapse the flux and produce a high voltage. This voltage is passed through the diode and charged for electrolysis. The circuit operates at approximately 50 kHz, as well as the electrolysis of short-term pulse charging.

The 15K resistor has a 3K3 "fine tuning" resistor that allows you to adjust the output especially at 5V or slightly above 5V. The microcontroller will operate five.5v, but some people will freeze at 5.6V, so be careful. The output voltage of the above (3K3) and 2K2 resistors connected to the 15k resistor is monitored. It is precisely at this point that the voltage is 0.63V (630mV), and the voltage regulator transistor is turned on and deprives the oscillator transistor of the "on" voltage.

When the output of the load circuit is placed, the voltage across the electrolysis drops, and as the regulator is slightly turned off. This allows the operation of the oscillator transistor to be "hard" and transferred to the electrolytic energy pulse for charging. If the load is removed, the current consumption of the electrical circuit is about three.5 mA. This could be the quiescent current of the circuit.

The output current is limited, and each mAh battery requires about 5 mA. The output current is 15mA and the current is about 75 mA from the battery. This is why we need a high current capability transistor oscillator. 547 BC transistors will not work properly because it really is not able to pass high currents.

The solar panel will provide about 10-15 mA of bright sunlight, so the output on any load should be as small as possible. An example is the information record, where exactly it is slightly active for a short time, and then enters the "sleep" mode.

The inner core. The flux cuts the number of turns of the secondary winding and produces a voltage, the ADDS turn-on voltage and a larger number of transistors are turned on. The resulting transistor is fully turned on and becomes maximum through the mains current. The core tends to be saturated, although it is indeed the largest luminous flux, it does not expand the magnetic flux, so it does not produce secondary voltage (voltage and electric current only supplied by the battery).
The voltage and current to the base current of the transistor are reduced, which reduces the current through the mains. The flux begins to collapse, which produces an internal secondary polarity of opposite polarity. This will turn the transistor off and soon collapse the flux and produce a high voltage. This voltage is passed through the diode and charged for electrolysis. The circuit operates at approximately 50 kHz, as well as the electrolysis of short-term pulse charging.
The 15K resistor has a 3K3 "fine tuning" resistor that allows you to adjust the output especially at 5V or slightly above 5V. The microcontroller will operate five.5v, but some people will freeze at 5.6V, so be careful. The output voltage of the above (3K3) and 2K2 resistors connected to the 15k resistor is monitored. It is precisely at this point that the voltage is 0.63V (630mV), and the voltage regulator transistor is turned on and deprives the oscillator transistor of the "on" voltage.
When the output of the load circuit is placed, the voltage across the electrolysis drops, and as the regulator is slightly turned off. This allows the operation of the oscillator transistor to be "hard" and transferred to the electrolytic energy pulse for charging. If the load is removed, the current consumption of the electrical circuit is about three.5 mA. This could be the quiescent current of the circuit.
The output current is limited, and each mAh battery requires about 5 mA. The output current is 15mA and the current is about 75 mA from the battery. This is why we need a high current capability transistor oscillator. 547 BC transistors will not work properly because it really is not able to pass high currents.
The solar panel will provide about 10-15 mA of bright sunlight, so the output on any load should be as small as possible. An example is the information record, where exactly it is slightly active for a short time, and then enters the "sleep" mode.

TM-3A Series (7"-65")

HuiZhou GreenTouch Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.bbstouch.com

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