Simple 4W fluorescent lamp circuit design

1206RGB (single)
Single chip microcomputer STM32L151CCU6
The circuit is powered by a 3V battery and uses a transistor (a transistor is a solid-state semiconductor device that can be used for detection, rectification, amplification, switching, regulation, signal modulation, and many other functions. Transistors as a variable switch, based on input The voltage controls the current flowing out, so the transistor can be used as a current switch. The difference from the general mechanical switch is that the transistor is controlled by the electrical signal, and the switching speed can be very fast, and the switching speed in the laboratory can reach 100 GHz. The above) constitutes an oscillating circuit to convert DC into AC, and the transformer uses E30 ferrite core (core refers to a sintered magnetic metal oxide composed of various iron oxide mixtures, and voice coils, basins, etc. are important components of the speaker. In part, it is widely used in coils and transformers of various electronic devices. The primary coil is a 0.4 mm enameled wire, and the secondary coil is a 0.1 mm enameled wire. Drive 4W portable fluorescent lamp, it is very convenient to use.

Simple 4W fluorescent lamp circuit

Insulated Terminals

Taixing Longyi Terminals Co.,Ltd. ,

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