Definition of sensor

The progress made in information processing technology and the rapid development of microprocessors and computer technologies all require corresponding advances in the development of sensors. Microprocessors are now widely used in measurement and control systems. With the enhancement of these system capabilities, the role of the sensor is becoming more and more important as the front end unit of the information acquisition system. Sensors have become a key component in automation systems and robotics. As a structural component of the system, its importance has become increasingly apparent.

In its broadest sense, a sensor is a device that converts a physical or chemical quantity into an electrical signal that is easy to use. The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is defined as: "A sensor is a front-end component of a measurement system that converts input variables into signals that can be measured." According to Gopel et al., "a sensor is a sensor that includes a carrier and a circuit," and "a sensor system is a sensor that combines some kind of information processing (analog or digital)." The sensor is an integral part of the sensor system and it is the first gate to which the measured signal is input.

Because the signal amplitude entering the sensor is small, it is mixed with interference signals and noise. In order to facilitate the subsequent processing, the signal must first be shaped into a waveform with the best characteristics, and sometimes the signal needs to be linearized. This work is done by amplifiers, filters, and other analog circuits. In some cases, some of these circuits are directly adjacent to the sensor components. The shaped signal is then converted into a digital signal and input to the microprocessor.

German and Russian scholars believe that the sensor should be composed of two parts, that is, the sensor part that directly senses the measured signal and the circuit part that initially processes the signal. In this understanding, the sensor also contains the circuit portion of the signal shaper.

The performance of the sensor system depends mainly on the sensor, which converts some form of energy into another form of energy. There are two types of sensors: active and passive. Active sensors can directly convert one form of energy into another without requiring an external source of energy or excitation.

Signal flow of active (a) and passive (b) sensors Passive sensors cannot directly convert the energy form, but they can control the energy input from another input or the excitation energy sensor to assume the specific characteristics of an object or process. Convert the number of jobs. Their "objects" can be solids, liquids, or gases, and their state can be static or dynamic (ie, process). Object characteristics can be detected in various ways after being converted and quantified. The characteristics of the object can be either physical or chemical. According to its working principle, the sensor converts object characteristics or state parameters into measurable electrical quantities, and then separates this electrical signal and sends it to the sensor system for evaluation or labeling.

Various physical effects and working mechanisms are used to make sensors with different functions. The sensor can be in direct contact with the object being measured or it may not be in contact. The type of working mechanisms and effects used for sensors are constantly increasing, and the processes involved are increasingly perfect.

The function of the sensor is often compared with the human 5 sense organs:

Photosensitive Sensors - Visual Acoustic Sensors - Hearing Sensors - Olfactory Sensors - Taste Sensitive, Temperature Sensitive, Fluid Sensors - Tactile Compared to contemporary sensors, humans have much better sensory capabilities, However, there are also some sensors that have superior sensory functions than humans. For example, humans do not have the ability to perceive ultraviolet or infrared radiation, and do not feel electromagnetic fields or colorless, odorless gases.

Many technical requirements have been set for sensors, some of which apply to all types of sensors, and special requirements that apply only to specific types of sensors. The basic requirements for the working principle and structure of the sensor on different occasions are:

High-sensitivity and anti-interference stability (insensitive to noise) Linearity is easy to adjust (easy calibration)

High accuracy, high reliability, no hysteresis, long service life (durability)

Reproducibility Anti-aging High response rate Anti-environmental effects (heat, vibration, acid, alkali, air, water, dust) Selective safety (sensors should be pollution-free) Interchangeability Low cost Wide measurement range Small size Light weight and high-intensity wide operating temperature range

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